Conference On Hacking And Security (CHASE-2009) Lahore Friday-Tuesday November 06-10, 2009. Paper Submission Form Please fill in this form in entirety and send this along with your presentation, paper or tutorial to cfp AT chase DOT org DOT pk latest by Friday September 04, 2009. Privacy Statement ----------------- Any information provided will be held strictly confidential within CHASE team. Important Note -------------- This form may be used to submit just the abstract and other preliminary details of your presentation. You may then submit the completed presentation before the submission deadline. Invited speakers do not need to register or pay any fee. Primary speakers making presentation in the conference also do not need to register. If there are more than one authors for a paper, secondary authors need registration for which they should submit registration form as well. However, all are needed to register for the second day. Filling Instructions -------------------- You may like to use OVERWRITE instead of INSERT mode of your editor to fill in the necessary details in the space provided. Speaker Information ------------------- FULL NAME: DESIGNATION: ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: CITY: CELL PHONE: OTHER PHONE: EMAIL: If the work you are submitting has been done by a team, you may please enlist your other team members on an additional page. Just cut and paste the above fields on additional pages and fill them accordingly. Speaker Profile --------------- Please provide your brief profile which may be posted on the website or used in other documents prepared for the conference. It affords you an opportunity to introduce yourself to the community. Presentation Information ------------------------ TITLE: Abstract -------- Please provide an overview of your presentation and what you will talk about. It should provide enough information to the participants about the topic and its scope. Abstract will be published on the website and may also be included in other documents prepared for the conference. Abstract should comprise of 200 - 250 words. Additional Files ---------------- We strongly encourage that your presentation be supported by a written paper. In addition, any source code or additional material that you will be using, MUST be sent along with the presentation. We prefer presentation and additional files to be in PDF or TXT format though PPT and DOC are also acceptable. Please list and briefly describe any additional files you are submitting: Work Category ------------- How do you categorize the work you are submitting (put a x at the end): Purely original work not done before. A unique way of using existing techniques. A survey of existing work in a particular area. A tutorial presentation using existing tools. Time Duration ------------- Normally 30 minutes will be reserved for every presentation. 25 minutes for the talk and 5 minutes for questions, answers and discussion later. If you have a different requirement, please specify and explain why? Equipment --------- A multimedia projector along with a computer will be provided to carry out your presentation. You may wish to bring your own laptop though in which case please specify below. Each question must be answered either as a YES or NO: 0- Would you present using your own laptop? 1- Does your presentation include a live demonstration i.e. use of tools, etc? 2- Do you need Internet access? 3- Do you need a whiteboard? Please specify any additional requirements: Travel Assistance ----------------- Limited amount of travel funding is available for speakers coming from other countries to Pakistan. Speakers from SAARC will be given special consideration. If you need travel assistance, please put an X at the end of appropriate choice: 1- I would make my own travel arrangements and do not need assistance. 2- I would need partial travel assistance. 3- I would need full travel assistance. If you have opted for either choice 2 or 3, please also send your complete CV alongwith this submission form and presentation. Please also note that if you need travel assistance, your chances are better if you opt for choice 2 as only limited amount of funds are available. If you are considered, you will be asked to provide additional information about your travel and yourself. Plagiarism ---------- I, [INSERT YOUR COMPLETE NAME], solemnly pledged that the work being submitted has been produced by the authors who are solely responsible for it and all the references have been provided where necessary. NAME: DATE: Copyright --------- I, [INSERT YOUR COMPLETE NAME], grant CHASE the right to copy, record and redistribute all material submitted i.e. presentation, paper, source code, etc. including but not limited to conference proceedings, handouts, etc. for whatever purposes needed. NAME: DATE: Important Information --------------------- Please send the completed form along with your presentation and other files (if any) to: cfp AT chase DOT org DOT pk Any extra material used during the presentation but not included in the conference proceedings or conference CD should be provided immediately after the conference. A complete reference and bibliography of all resources used should be provided with the presentation. Please submit an electronic copy of this form along with your presentation or tutorial proposal. You will sign the form below when you attend the conference: NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: Conference on Hacking And Security